A Theological Reflection
in the Midst of the Soul’s Dark Night
Jeffrey Lim, B.Comp, M.C.S.
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Pen Strokes: Life is Full of Mysteries
A reflection, a contemplation from the Ecclessiastes.
- Jeffrey Lim -
Human life is full of mystery,
Beyond the reach of mind and reason,
Life is full of mystery,
We often do not understand,
Why do so many things happen?
Why is it like this?
It is undeniable
That life is full of struggles,
It is irrefutable
That life is full of suffering.
This world has been conquered
By vanity,
The universe has been subdued
By emptiness.
Under the sun,
Everything is meaningless,
On this earth,
Everything is void.
Because life is full of mystery,
Because many things are not understood,
We can only gaze,
We who are limited can only hope,
To the Lord God, the Creator of heaven and earth,
To the Lord God, the Redeemer,
To the Lord God, the Revealer of Truth.
In a world that is void,
It is wise for us
To live in fear of Him,
In a universe that is empty,
It is prudent for us
To live peacefully and enjoy Him,
Even though life is full of mystery,
Which I do not understand and cannot comprehend,
Yet, according to His promise,
Everything will be beautiful in its time.
Give thanks to the Lord God, the Creator,
For, in Him and His plan,
All that is void becomes meaningful,
Everything will turn out well
For humans who love Him,
For humans whom He has chosen
To be close to Him,
To be His people,
And, to serve Him.
(There is meaning and significance in everything
only if you have the eyes to see it,
the ears to hear it,
the tongue to taste it.)
Soli Deo Gloria!
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