A Theological Reflection
in the Midst of the Soul’s Dark Night
Jeffrey Lim, B.Comp, M.C.S.
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After Darkness Comes Light!
When the Kingdom of God comes and is present in the life of a believer, this is what becomes the hope for believers struggling through the dark night of the soul.
In the book The Light of God in the Midst of Darkness, Jeffrey Lim provides theological reflection and testimony about God's grace that gives hope as he faced the struggles of the dark night of the soul for over 25 years. Over time, the light of God proved to shine ever brighter in Jeffrey's life. Victory after victory of faith was experienced because of the Lord's mercy. From faith to faith. From grace to grace. From strength to strength. And, all for the glory of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This book contains various experiences, testimonies, and contemplations accompanied by expressions such as poetry, prayers, reflections, and songs in facing the dark night of the soul he encountered.
If Jeffrey was helped by the Lord, then the readers in Christ who experience a similar dark night of the soul will surely also be helped by Him.
Jeffrey Lim, B.Comp, M.C.S was born in Bandung. An alumnus of St. Joseph's Primary School Sukajadi in 1992, St. Aloysius Junior High School in 1995, St. Aloysius High School in 1998, University of Technology, Sydney (2003), and Reformed Evangelical Theological Seminary International (2014). Jeffrey is a servant of God who founded the IT4God Club ministry, which is a Biblical Computing and IT Training Club for children and teenagers and established the Nepho Ministry. Jeffrey also delivers sermons & reflections in his ministry. Jeffrey is married to Laura Lee, a general practitioner and acupuncturist, and is blessed with a daughter named Fidelia Charis.
~ Nepho Ministry ~
In my deepest wound I saw your glory,
and it dazzled me.
St. Augustine of Hippo
To my friends in the Lord,
who are struggling with the dark night of the soul.
Table of Contents
Endorsement and Testimony
Author's Preface
Foreword by Rev. Jadi S. Lima
My Struggle with the Darkness of the Soul
Pen Strokes: Life is Full of Mysteries
Part I. Beginning with God
1. Knowing the Triune God
2. The Ultimate Purpose: The Glory of God
3. Knowing God as the Heavenly Father
4. Knowing the Lord Jesus Christ as the Wonderful Counselor and Good Shepherd
5. Knowing the Holy Spirit as the Comforter
6. Knowing the Names of God as the Tower of Help
Part II. Humanity and the Struggles of Body and Soul
7. Human and Their Purpose in Life
8. Human and their Problems
9. The Body and Soul of Man
10. Sin and Its Solution: Christ
Part III. The Redemption of Man in Christ
11. Justified Before God through Faith
12. New Life in Christ
a. Being Born Again
b. New Nature and Status in Christ
c. Fullness in Christ
d. New Identity in Christ
13. Spiritual Union in Christ
Part IV. Sanctification, Restoration from Depression, and Spiritual Discipline
14. Sanctification by the Holy Spirit
a. Sanctification of the Heart
b. Sanctification of the Mind
c. Sanctification of the Emotions
15. Renewal of Heart and Mind (I)
a. Mind, Emotions, and Behavior
b. Warfare in the Mind
c. Bringing the Mind into Captivity to Christ
16. Renewal of Heart and Mind (II)
d. Filling the Mind with the Word
e. Self-Talk
f. Music and Spiritual Praise
Part V. A Healing Community
17. Life in Family and Church
18. The Beautiful Risk of Sharing Life
Part VI. Testimonies of Life
19. William Cowper, A Man with Depression Used by God
a. The Life Struggles of William Cowper
b. Reflections of Life in the Hymns of William Cowper
Part VII. Reflections and Testimonies from Jeffrey Lim
20. Testimony I: Childhood to Adolescence Story (1980-1998)
21. Testimony I: My Struggle with Mental Disorders (1998-2008)
22. Testimony II: Tested to Hope and to be Patient (2003)
23. Reflection I: Reflection on My Struggle with Depression (2005)
24. Collection of Reflections from the Hospital (2008)
25. Reflection II: Celebrating and Embracing Our Fragility
26. Testimony III: After Graduating from Seminary (2014)
27. Testimony IV: Eben-Ezer (Year 2023)
Pen Strokes: Life is Full of Struggle
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