A Theological Reflection
in the Midst of the Soul’s Dark Night
Jeffrey Lim, B.Comp, M.C.S.
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- Jeffrey Lim 《 林秉恩 》 By
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Foreword by Rev. Jadi S. Lima
I congratulate my friend, Jeffrey Lim, on the publication of his book. There are three reasons why this book is interesting to read.
First, the authenticity of the author to willingly accept a condition that is generally not welcomed by most people, namely a state of weakness. Jeffrey writes, "It is a fact that humans generally do not like weakness, fragility, vulnerability, and deficiency. Most people prefer strength, health, and abundance." However, in line with the Apostle Paul's belief that in weakness God's grace shines all the more, so too the merit of this writing lies in Jeffrey's honesty in bluntly sharing what is less praiseworthy, and often concealed by most people. In sharing Jeffrey's grim personal stories, the light of God's mercy is clearly visible. The struggle with mental conditions may last a lifetime, as experienced by William Cowper. This book does not promise "7 Steps to Solve Your Problems Without Trouble," but rather shares Jeffrey's life journey with his faithful God.
Second, in his writing, Jeffrey shares his experience of wrestling with depression, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar, and paranoia, where he struggles not with low self-esteem, anger, mental chaos, the high cost of medication, or career difficulties, but with God himself. As someone who has studied in theological school, Jeffrey relates his psychological problems to theological concepts and finds that Christ and what God does in Jesus Christ is the way back to light, goodness, and life's abundance. The root of all human life problems is the rejection of God who is Truth, Wholeness, Light, Goodness, Beauty, and Life itself. And who can help us with the problems we face with ourselves, if not God himself? Who is the Mediator who can reconcile us with the Creator, if not Jesus Christ? This reminds us that from the beginning, the book of Genesis tells of God creating order in this world out of chaos (Heb. tohu va bohu) and how the wickedness of humans caused the return of that chaos in Noah's time. However, we also see how God promises to keep that chaos from flooding the world again with evil and death. Even when chaos reigns, God provides an ark (which in our times is often seen as pointing to Christ) to be a refuge for all that lives. "Christ is the answer," has often become a cliché slogan—but it has never been an outdated truth.
Third, in this writing, you can see that Jeffrey includes many poems, both his own and those quoted from hymn writers, some of whom struggle with various enduring weaknesses until the end of their lives. Healing comes not only from "what is right," but also "what is beautiful" and "what is good." The help and comfort Jeffrey experiences in his life journey, as you will read, happen not only through "theological concept improvement," or "mindset reform" through counseling, or even just medication, but also supported by a network of friendships that truly know, love, and accept Jeffrey as he is. Besides friendship, the hymns he remembered during times of struggle also greatly strengthened him. Here we see that Truth requires Goodness. And Goodness also becomes more effective when it presents itself in a beautiful form, such as in melodies, harmonies, lyrics, poems, and other works of art. In other words, healing flows not only from the gut (through ingested medications), or from the brain (through corrected concepts) alone, but also through many other means, such as social relationships and works of art. Through all of this, God reveals Himself and His help.
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow!”
Rev. Jadi S. Lima, S.Th., M.Div., M.A., M.Th. - Lecturer in Philosophy, Logic, and Hermeneutics at STT Reformed Injili Internasional and Servant of God at GRII
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