A Theological Reflection
in the Midst of the Soul’s Dark Night
Jeffrey Lim, B.Comp, M.C.S.
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9. The Body and Soul of Man
"When the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; thus man became a living creature." (Genesis 2:7)
Humans consist of body and soul/spirit. We need to see this in a balanced and comprehensive way. The body is the visible physical part of a human, while the soul/spirit is the invisible part. The soul is the unseen part of the physical human, related to the body. The invisible spirit is the part that relates to the Lord God. Simply put, humans consist of body and soul/spirit, elements that are visible and invisible.
When we grapple with the problem of depression, we must understand that it is a complex disorder that encompasses bio-psycho-social-spiritual elements. Therefore, all these aspects need to be redeemed by the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. A person suffering from depression cannot blame their brain alone for depression, but must also correct behavior, ways of thinking, and life habits. Conversely, those suffering from depression cannot only focus on changing paradigms and their faith without taking medication medically if needed. Because, medical drugs are also a common grace from God.
Not all diseases in the world will be healed by God. This is an important thing for us to instill. Many diseases that God allows to occur in the world, which He does not heal. Whether or not a person is healed from a disease is within the realm of God's sovereignty, where we do not have the right to enforce it. However, the most important thing in this context is that the name of the Lord is glorified. Because, often there are trials in the process of struggle and suffering that occur in humans, which in the end will glorify the name of God.
However, there are also diseases that God heals. Sometimes, the healing process does not happen instantly but through a long process. We should also be grateful that many diseases in this world can be cured through advances in modern medicine and medication.
To treat or take the necessary action against a sufferer of depression, it must first be known what type of depression they have. Whether they suffer from organic depression (physical, biological issues) or non-organic type (character and lifestyle issues). Biological physical problems require medical treatment, while non-organic problems require a change of heart, mind, and repentance. It does not mean that depression is caused by sin. However, it is also not wrong if spiritual issues, namely sin, can cause depression. On the other hand, it is undeniable that depression can also be caused by physical elements.
In modern science, clinical depression, that is, unipolar depression, is a type of depression that can be cured. Patients with unipolar depression (or commonly called major depression/regular depression) may need to take antidepressants for a certain period to balance hormones in their brain.
For information, in the human brain, there is a kind of signal flow that functions to send information in the form of electrical impulses from neuron to neuron through neurotransmitter hormones. The hormone that acts as a neurotransmitter or signal carrier between nerve networks in this case is serotonin. This serotonin hormone is very important for the human body because it can manage mood, including preventing depression. The effect of a serotonin deficiency is not only depression, but also uncontrollable appetite, obsessive-compulsive disorder, autism, bulimia, social phobia, premenstrual syndrome, anxiety, panic, migraines, schizophrenia, and even extreme violence. If someone has a serotonin deficiency, they need to take antidepressants that work to increase the hormone deficiency.
If a person with depressive disorder takes antidepressants, they may eventually recover completely from depression and no longer need to take medication. However, this does not mean that the symptoms of depression will not reappear in the future.
There is also organic manic depression, or often called bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a biological, bodily disease, and can be helped with medication. Patients with bipolar disorder need to take medication to stabilize their fluctuating emotions.
One thing to note is that if an illness in the body affects the soul, the opposite can also happen. Incorrect thinking can cause illness in the body (often referred to as psychosomatic). Research tells us that many diseases are not solely caused by the disease itself, but by unresolved issues in the heart and mind. This is also the case with depression. Therefore, a change of mind (which will be explained in the following chapters) needs to be made by those suffering from depression. This change of heart and mind can lead to chemical changes in the body of the sufferer. How we think and what we choose to believe can truly change the body's biochemistry. Many patients with depression have renewed their minds, eventually no longer needing medication.
The Western world tends to assume that mental or emotional problems are primarily caused by physical issues. They analogize this like a computer system, where the human brain is the hardware, while the mind is the software that cannot operate if the computer is dead or damaged. This view is based on a paradigm that sees humans as consisting of matter alone. Of course, such an analogy is not appropriate. It would be tragic if a doctor believed that he could cure his patient only with medical treatment. On the other hand, it would be a tragedy if a Christian counselor or devout pastor focused only on the spiritual side of the sufferer — who actually has physical problems — without paying attention to the medical aspect.
Therefore, it can be said that taking medicine to cure a sick body is indeed natural. However, taking medicine to cure soul problems is futile. So, a balance is needed in viewing what the real problem is. Is the issue that a person with a mental disorder has a problem of the mind or the body? Is it a physical or spiritual issue? A more comprehensive and mature understanding will provide the ability to see that the problem of depression involves a bio-psycho-social-spiritual disorder.
There is another mental disorder called schizophrenia. In the context of modern science, there is still no cure for patients with schizophrenia (organic, biological type) to this date. The tranquilizers (antipsychotics) given are only to suppress symptoms so that they are not too disturbing and the patient can live more productively. These drugs function to suppress visual or auditory hallucinations, delusion symptoms (unrealistic thoughts), and symptoms of withdrawal from social life.
According to statistics, 1 in 5 patients with schizophrenia can recover after undergoing long-term treatment (10-20 years). In many cases of organic schizophrenia, patients need to take tranquilizers, even for their entire lives. This mental disorder is similar to high blood pressure that always requires medication to lower high blood pressure. However, these drugs cannot cure, they only suppress the symptoms.
The physical symptoms of schizophrenia are:
1. Positive symptoms, which refer to behavior not seen in healthy individuals:
- Hallucinations (hearing or seeing something that is not there).
- Delusions (thoughts that do not match reality).
2. Negative symptoms, referring to:
- Lack of energy.
- Lack of motivation.
- Social withdrawal.
- Loss of facial expression.
These symptoms explain what happens to the patient. However, they do not explain the cause of schizophrenia. Meanwhile, the important question is: why can schizophrenia occur?
I personally believe that even though schizophrenia patients must continue to take medication, they can still have a meaningful life. Why? Because our lives are in the hands of God, and God has a plan for each of us. The Bible states:
"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2:10).
The life of a person with organic schizophrenia can still be meaningful and useful because God has promised to prepare good works within every believer. I have a friend who suffers from schizophrenia. Because he consistently undergoes counseling, has a strong will to change, and diligently renews his heart and mind, his life remains productive despite having to continue taking medical drugs. Let’s call my friend Bryan. He was graced to graduate with a bachelor's and master's in engineering and then got a good job in IT. Now, he is married and his life has become a blessing. From there, we can see that even those with schizophrenia have the hope to be useful and to be a blessing.
Besides organic schizophrenia, there are also cases of non-organic schizophrenia. In these cases, schizophrenia occurs due to seriously incorrect perceptions of reality, lifestyle patterns, camouflage, or because of a conscience that is always fearful and worried. Non-organic schizophrenia can be cured if the sufferer renews their heart and mind through repentance in the Lord. Neil T. Anderson -- author of Victory Over the Darkness and founder of Freedom in Christ Ministries -- has ministered to many such people, and they eventually achieve total healing.
For example, in his book, Bondage Breaker, he tells of a woman who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. It turned out that the root of her problem was deep hatred due to her father's treatment of her in childhood. After addressing the root issue that caused the sin, her illness disappeared. Many sins that affect mental health need to be resolved by receiving forgiveness from God.
So, once again, it is necessary to differentiate whether schizophrenia is of the organic type, the non-organic type, or both. Clearly, a renewal of heart and mind is needed for both types of schizophrenia.
I myself have faith and hope that if schizophrenia symptoms are caused by the heart and mind, they can be restored in the Lord while the patient continues to take medical drugs.
In the recovery process of mental disorders, there are things that must be done, such as:
- Having faith and hope as well as the willingness to fight.
- Must accept self-reality.
The patient must recognize their physical and mental weaknesses. And, the patient's family must also accept this reality.
- After accepting self-reality, the patient must still be responsible for living their life. There is no excuse to avoid responsibility due to mental disorders. Whoever does not take responsibility for their life before God and people, their life will certainly not grow.
- Strive to discipline one's life.
- Rely on God and the promise of His Word because God's Word gives strength and hope for human life.
- Spiritual guidance from servants of God and spiritual ministers.
- Focus on God's will in this life because God wills that His children grow and produce much fruit.
- See a doctor or psychiatrist to handle the organic issues faced.
- Hope for even more recovery.
- Live focused on glorifying God as the purpose of life.
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