A Theological Reflection
in the Midst of the Soul’s Dark Night
Jeffrey Lim, B.Comp, M.C.S.
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8. Human and Their Problems
"Because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
(Romans 3:23)
"One leak will sink a ship, and one sin will destroy a sinner." -- John Bunyan
The Bible states that God created humans in His own image and likeness. This means that humans were made to resemble God. Therefore, humans can think and have reason. Humans are also capable of feeling and acting according to their free will. We have also known that God created humans from the dust of the ground and breathed life into them.
"Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." (Genesis 2:7)
Humans consist of a visible body and an invisible soul. After God breathed life into humans, the first man, Adam, became a living being. Humans are alive both physically and spiritually. The body and soul can be distinguished within a person, but they cannot be separated. The first man lived both physically and spiritually.
The struggle with the dark night of the soul/depression must be viewed and understood by considering the existence of two parts within humans, namely the body and the soul.
Depression can come from the body, that is, biological/organic factors. This can be caused by damage within the brain or an imbalance of chemicals in the brain.
However, depression can also come from the soul, from within the heart and mind (non-organic). This problem can arise from seriously incorrect perceptions of reality, lifestyle patterns, living habits, is a form of camouflage, or because of a conscience that is fearful and anxious.
Because the problem of depression can occur due to physical or spiritual factors, it is necessary to see where the origin or cause of the problem is. To resolve the physical or bodily issue, the sufferer needs to go to a doctor. Meanwhile, to resolve their spiritual problems, they need to come to God, which can be done personally or with the guidance of a spiritual leader.
This, of course, requires a process that is not simple and cannot be resolved quickly.
Physical and spiritual problems can be seen through the manifestation of their symptoms, both physically and spiritually.
The usual physical symptoms experienced are:
1. Insomnia or hypersomnia.
2. Significant weight change.
3. Feeling restless or becoming slow.
4. Fatigue and loss of energy.
5. Difficulty concentrating.
6. Feeling alienated from things once considered beautiful and enjoyable.
7. Feeling sad, gloomy, and depressed.
While the spiritual symptoms experienced by depression sufferers are:
1. Shame.
2. Guilt.
3. Fear.
4. Ingratitude.
5. Inability to forgive.
6. Despair.
7. Distrust.
8. Anger.
The first humans, Adam and Eve, initially lived in fellowship with God. This means humans were in relation to their source of life, which is God. In the beginning, humans who lived in fellowship with God were fully owned by the Lord. They lived securely and with significant meaning. God also met their fundamental soul needs, namely the need to be accepted/belong, self-security, and life significance which were fulfilled in God.
Adam and Eve, who had a close relationship with God, could feel how they were owned by the Lord. Both were in a relationship of mutual possession, acceptance, and love for one another. The relationship of humans with God and with each other was in a harmonious love relationship.
The first humans were also in a state of safety because they were with God. Whatever they needed was provided by God. Their souls could be calm and peaceful because they were in a peaceful state with God.
Then, the first humans had a significant and meaningful life. They were created with a purpose set by God, namely to reproduce, dominate the earth, and glorify their Creator. With God's clear decrees and purpose for humans, human life had a significant and meaningful purpose.
After creating them, God placed humans to live in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and maintain it. He then commanded them to eat from all the trees in the garden, except for the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. For if they ate of that fruit, they would die.
However, humans later violated God's word. The devil, disguised as a serpent, tempted Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He said that if humans ate of that fruit, their eyes would be opened and they would be like God. Eve was tempted by the devil's enticement. Her heart was drawn when she saw the fruit, so she took the fruit and ate it. Eve then gave the fruit to Adam, who also ate it. This was the first sin of man. They violated God's word.
To sin itself means to commit acts that violate the rules set by God. To sin also means to live without reaching the target of what God has set. Sin is the greatest tragedy of humanity and becomes our main problem in this world. God's word says that when the first humans ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would die, both physically and spiritually. Although Adam and Eve were still alive physically, they were dead spiritually. This is what happened to humanity after falling into sin. Although we have a physical body when born into this world, our spirituality is dead. To be dead spiritually means that humans have lost their source of life, which is God. Humans have lost fellowship with God. After falling into sin, God expelled humans from the Garden of Eden. Thus, enmity between humans and God occurred.
Sin causes the consequence of God's punishment on humans, and it makes humans suffer. Women will toil during pregnancy and with pain they will give birth, while men will earn their living with hardship from the cursed ground. This first human sin is passed down from generation to generation to this day.
What is the influence of sin on the human soul? In a state of sin, humans no longer recognize God. Humans lose the correct perception of the reality of God, of themselves, and of this universe. Humans become foolish and their minds darkened because they no longer have a relationship with God. Humans know something about God, but do not relate to Him.
Then, there is also the consequence of sin on human emotions. When falling into sin, humans become fearful, guilty, and anxious. The first emotion that appeared when humans fell into sin was fear. Fear becomes the dominating emotion of humans. In the context of mental disorder conditions, we often see how feelings of fear, guilt, and anxiety dominate their lives. Fear is the effect of human downfall into sin.
Another emotion produced by sinful humans is shame. Before Adam and Eve sinned, they were naked and not ashamed. But after falling into sin, they became ashamed and tried to cover their nakedness. That is why humans like to wear various masks on themselves. This mask is worn because we are afraid of being hurt and not accepted by others if our true selves are revealed. In modern psychological theory, this is known as a defense mechanism, which is an effort by humans to protect themselves from other threats. This is done so that humans feel safe. Humans consider others a threat when they see the 'nakedness' of themselves. And, primarily the feelings of shame and fear are a manifestation of the fear of the Holy God over the sinful self.
Another negative emotion that sinful humans have is guilt. After falling into sin, Adam and Eve became afraid and hid. This is because they felt guilty before the holy God. Their hearts were not calm and fearful because they felt guilty. Guilt produces a feeling of guilt. Thus is the condition of those who are in sin. The devil and his conscience always accuse the sinful self. God's law in the human heart judges humans so that sinful humans will feel guilty because of their sinful deeds. That is why, humans will not be able to feel calm before making peace with God.
Before falling into sin, all the basic needs of the human soul were met in God. After falling into sin, the needs of the human soul, namely to be accepted/belong, to feel safe, and to have a meaningful life are no longer fulfilled because they are disconnected from God. As a result of sin, in addition to being alienated from God, humans are also alienated from each other. The harmonious relationship with God is lost, replaced by enmity. Likewise, the relationship with each other. Adam accused Eve to defend himself when God asked if he had eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Sin damages the good relations humans have with each other.
When we look at the struggles of those experiencing the dark night of the soul/depression, many of them are alienated from others. This happens because they withdraw from the social environment. They distance themselves, even becoming aggressive and hurting others, precisely because they are afraid of being hurt. Those suffering from depression are actually individuals filled with fear and inner wounds. Why are humans afraid of others? Because they do not want to be humiliated, laughed at, insulted, and rejected. Fear also arises because we do not want others to attack, oppress, or threaten our existence.
In addition to the relationship with God and others being disharmonious, human relationships with themselves are also disharmonious. Humans are so unique that they can have a relationship with themselves (intrapersonal), which is revealed through attitudes of acceptance or rejection of themselves. However, due to sin that damages relationships, so many people end up hating themselves. So many people cannot accept themselves, even judging themselves. They torture themselves, even to the point of deciding to commit suicide. This is the effect of the fall into sin.
Many psychologists agree that many people have low self-worth today. I once heard a story about an artist who was rich, beautiful, famous, and liked by many people, but then died tragically by suicide. I know this story because I used to be a fan of the martial arts series "Legend of Condor Heroes" with its hero named Kwee Ceng. In the film, there is also a character named Oey Yong, Kwee Ceng's lover, played by the actress Barbara Yung. She was a young, beautiful, lively, and charming actress. Generally, if someone has a beautiful and attractive physique, is famous, rich, and successful, the world will see that person as having a happy and meaningful life. However, it is reported that Barbara Yung committed suicide because of problems with her lover. Her self-worth turned out not to come from her talent, intelligence, or beauty, but from the acceptance of others. Self-worth is actually a matter of self-identity.
Sinful humans try to meet their basic needs --acceptance, security, and self-significance/meaning – in ways that come from the world, the flesh, and the devil. That's why people strive to seek and achieve wealth, position, certain social status, intelligence, talent, knowledge, wisdom, philosophy, religion, life partners, sex, pleasure, and so on to fill their emptiness. However, sinful humans will not be satisfied with all the pleasures that are artificial or superficial. Only God can fulfill their deepest needs. The human soul will not be at peace until they meet with God. That is why humans need to be reconciled with God.
"You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You." – Augustine of Hippo
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