A Theological Reflection
in the Midst of the Soul’s Dark Night
Jeffrey Lim, B.Comp, M.C.S.
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24. A Collection of Reflections from the Hospital (2008)
Below is a collection of reflections made while I was in the hospital. In these reflections, I invite us to ponder many things about the hospital. May the contemplations I have made also become our shared meditations.
The hospital is a place for the sick.
We know that a hospital is a place for the sick. Just as a chicken coop is a place for chickens, and a kindergarten is a place for children to learn and play.
However, we need to understand more about the hospital. Because the hospital is not just a house for the sick. There is much beauty in the hospital.
Many people see the hospital as a place to take care of the sick. There, there are many diseases and viruses. Sickness is seen as something bad and unfortunate. The hospital becomes a less pleasant place.
In the hospital, patients and families have to spend a lot of money. Yet, people die in hospitals.
As believers, we must have a different view. We must have a rich, abundant, and broad perspective.
Because there is God, there is an abundance of life. Because there is God, life becomes meaningful.
Life is beautiful. Life is meaningful. Life is valuable.
Let's start looking at the hospital with a different contemplation.
The hospital is where we get treatment.
The hospital is where we get treatment. The hospital is where physical sickness is treated. There, the body is examined and healed. And, there is also attention. There is care and treatment for the soul.
The hospital must care for the body and soul. It must care for the human being as a whole.
Why must the body be cared for?
Because the body is the Temple of God. Because the body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Health is important so the body must be healthy. With health, we can serve better. That's why the sick body must be treated.
The body is also very important. It must be presented to God, as a living offering, pleasing to Him.
In the hospital, the sick body is treated.
The hospital can be a place for reflection.
A deep life is a life that has contemplation. A life without contemplation is a shallow life.
The difference between humans and animals is that humans can reflect. And, the hospital is a place for the sick to reflect.
We need time for ourselves, to step back from daily activities. To retreat and reflect, to know oneself, to reflect on life.
We need time for ourselves, for a retreat, to seek peace and contemplation.
That is good.
When we are sick, the hospital can be a place for us to reflect.
The hospital can be a place to learn the Word.
Believers who love the Lord like to learn the Word.
Learning the Word is not only in seminaries or Bible schools. We can also learn the Word in the hospital.
The hospital is not a boring place. Not a place without activity. A place where we are bound and not free, or a place to spend money and time.
There is beauty in the hospital. It can be a place for us to learn the Word. A place for us to ponder. A place for us to meditate. A place for us to reflect. And, to think about the things above.
Just as John Sung, who studied the Word in the hospital and spent his time with the Word,
So too, we can learn the Word in the hospital.
The hospital can become a place where we understand life more deeply
In this world, many people exalt wealth.
People value wisdom and intelligence
People want to be healthy and live long.
People want to be influential and well-known.
People want to have many friends.
And, people want to be happy and content.
However, when we fall ill, when the illness becomes severe, we know that worldly things will pass and fade away.
When we are sick, we begin to realize what is most important. The importance of relationships, love, friendship, and peace.
When we are sick, we realize that humans are weak and limited. Humans are full of flaws.
Therefore, do not seek trivial things, but things that are eternal.
We need God.
The sick do not need to think about worldly things.
In the hospital, one can think about heavenly things.
The hospital can become a place where we fellowship
In the hospital, there is care. There are prayers, concern, treatment. There is sharing of life, communication, understanding. Therefore, the hospital is a place of fellowship.
In the hospital, we can share troubles. In the hospital, we can share sorrow. Cry and lament. Share burdens together.
We can share joy, laughter, gratitude.
And, we can also share God's blessings.
The hospital can become a place of fellowship.
The hospital can become a place where we practice compassion
Care, attention, understanding. Concern, empathy, friendliness. Gentleness, patience. All these are motivated by love.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast and is not proud. It does not act unbecomingly and does not seek its own benefit.
It is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs.
It does not rejoice in injustice but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Loved people, will love.
Those who are greatly loved, will love greatly.
The hospital can also become a place to show compassion.
The hospital can become a place where we learn to understand others
In the hospital, we hear the sounds of complaints. We hear crying, and of course, human suffering.
This makes us realize that not only we have troubles. Many other people live more difficult lives.
If we can be sick, others can be sick too. If we can be sad, others can also be sad. If we can be afraid, others can also be afraid.
We all can experience it.
This will make us realize that we are all human.
Even with different colors. Even with different wealth. Even with different tribes. Even with different statuses.
We are all humans, who can get sick. Can be weak. And, can die.
In the hospital, we learn to understand others more.
The hospital can become a place where we pray
When we are healthy, when we are rich and progressing. When our life is happy, at that time we can be intoxicated and lulled by the pleasures of the world.
And, at that time we forget to pray. We forget our Creator, the Sustainer, and Redeemer of our lives.
But, when we are troubled, when we are sick and suffering. And, when we have struggles, we will begin to pray.
Suffering leads to perseverance. Perseverance leads to character. Character leads to hope. And, hope does not disappoint.
Suffering and illness can make us have faith. All because of God's grace.
The hospital can become a place where we pray.
The hospital can become a place where we share the good news of joy
Illness and suffering we should keep to ourselves.
Happiness and blessings we should share. We have been blessed and we want to share that blessing. We have received the blessing of joy. And, we want others to have that joy.
The hospital can become a place where we share the good news of joy.
What kind of joy do we want to proclaim? What kind of peace do we want to say? Not from the world, but from heaven.
The highest joy is when we are forgiven. When we are saved. And, have eternal life, that is in the Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ.
The hospital can become a place of Gospel proclamation.
The hospital can be a place where we comfort and are comforted.
Life has suffering. Life has misfortune. Life has tragedy. Life has difficulties. Life has many tears. Life has many complaints.
Therefore, humans need comfort. Humans need assurance. Humans need salvation.
What kind of comfort should we talk about?
Is it from the world?
No, of course not.
But the comfort that comes from heaven. Comfort because of God's promise. Comfort because of God's presence. Comfort because of God's faithful love. Comfort because of God's good plan.
We must bring people to the Comforter, who can comfort the grieving heart.
In the hospital, we can comfort each other and pray.
The hospital can be a place where we grow.
In the hospital, believers can pray. In the hospital, the word of God can be preached. In the hospital, we can have fellowship.
Thus, the hospital can be a channel of grace. God's grace is poured out.
And, the hospital can be used as a vessel to grow.
The hospital can be a place where we grow.
The hospital can be a place of blessing.
Behind difficulties, there is often a hidden blessing. Behind suffering, there is often a hidden blessing. Behind tears, there is often joy that has been provided. Behind the cross, there is glory.
Because we know that our God is good. Our God is wonderful. Our God is powerful. Our God is wise. Our God is alive.
When we are in trouble, when we are in difficulty, and when we are suffering, remember God's promise that all things bring good to those who love Him.
Behind the sickness we suffer in the hospital, we can still feel God's blessing in the hospital.
The hospital can be a place where we know God.
Suffering brings people to reflect. Suffering makes people think. Hardship makes people reflect. Struggle makes people meditate.
Thus, with the right attitude towards suffering, by calling out to God, we will get to know God more.
When we seek Him, He is not far from us. If we seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him.
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
Blessed are we when we have suffering. Blessed are we when we have hardship. Blessed are we when we experience various trials. Blessed are we when we are tested.
We will mature. For, we will know Him, the Wisdom.
What I want is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings.
The hospital can be a place where we get closer to God
When we are calm.
When we are silent.
When we reflect on life.
When we ponder the word of God.
When we pray.
When we call out to Him.
When we mourn.
When we apply the word.
We will realize that God is good. God is faithful. And, God is gracious.
When we are sick. At that time we will know that God is close to us.
The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth (Psalm 145:18).
God is close to us.
God is with us.
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