A Theological Reflection
in the Midst of the Soul’s Dark Night
Jeffrey Lim, B.Comp, M.C.S.
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- Jeffrey Lim 《 林秉恩 》 By
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1. Knowing the Triune God
Beginning with the Triune God
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1)
"In the beginning was the Word" (John 1:1)
"God is love" (1 John 4:7b)
Before we start discussing how to overcome the dark night of the soul/depression, I invite us to reflect and think theologically. Let us all think about the event of creation. What is the origin of the universe? Where do humans come from? Where does this universe come from? Why does everything exist from nothing? These questions are important because life becomes meaningful when we know that it has a starting point. Living life without knowing its beginning is a meaningless life. The beginning of everything is very important.
We are grateful because the Bible declares that this world and human life have a beginning. The universe and humans began when they were created by God through his word and Spirit. Everything was created by God and for God.
When the universe and humans were created by God, it means all creation has meaning and significance according to the design of its Creator. Just as every work of art has an artist behind its existence and has a function, so do you and I. We have a beginning and have a meaning in life. David states this in his reflection in the book of Psalms.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:14)
We exist because God created us. Everything exists by the grace of God. And, this world also exists because God created us.
After being convinced by the scriptures that the universe was created by God, I invite us to reflect back for a moment to the time before God created the heavens and the earth. That was the eternal moment before creation. At that time, only God Himself existed, there was no universe. God is from everlasting to everlasting. He is a self-sufficient God, who does not depend on anything. He is a transcendent God. A God different from all creation. A sovereign God. And, He exists in Himself.
Let's imagine for a moment when God had not yet created the heavens and the earth. He existed alone and in Himself. Was He a God who was satisfied and full of Himself? Was He a lonely God? Did God feel emptiness in Himself? Is it because of loneliness that He needed the universe and humans? This sounds like a silly question. However, there is theological relevance to this question for us.
Perhaps, some think that God was lonely so He created the universe and humans. He needed fellowship with humans. But, is this the right thought? Of course not! The God in the Bible is a God who is abundant. The God of the Bible is a God who is full and satisfied in Himself. Why is that? Because He is a God who depends on Himself. He is a God who is sufficient in Himself. He is a God who is Love. And, He is the Love even though humans were not yet created. But, the question is, whom did He love?
Here is the answer: God loved Himself through each person of the Trinity. The mutual love in the context where He loves Himself is not something selfish. Because, the Christian God in the Bible is the Triune God. A God who is one but has three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Triune God is our God. God is love, and He loves Himself. God the Father loves God the Son and the Holy Spirit, God the Son loves God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit loves God the Father and the Son. The Christian God is a God of love and joy. This is the concept we must hold that God is a happy Person. He is an overflowing God.
Because God loves Himself in each person of God, our God is a God who is satisfied and full in Himself. He is a God who is abundant in love. God's unlimited love is given to each Person in Himself. He is not a God who is lonely and empty so that He needs creation to fill His existence. This is also an important concept. Because, if our God is a God who is lonely, empty, and needs something outside of Himself, then our God cannot be the God of blessing. If our God is like that, then He is a person who has a deficiency towards something, namely needing creation. It would be a terrifying thing if we had such a God.
However, praise the Lord. The God witnessed in the Bible is a God who is satisfied, full, and abundant. His nature full of grace is the foundation and hope for those experiencing depression and other mental disorders. God is a God who wants to bless humans. God is the source of grace who wants to share His blessings with us.
Moreover, God who is love and God who is happy in Himself is the basis of our human happiness. Because God wants His people to be happy. God wants to bestow goodness on His people, although this is often not understood with our limited human perspective. Often we see the suffering of life as something bad, even as a curse. However, God works in everything to bring good to those who love Him (Romans 8:28). There is a hidden blessing behind suffering. God wants His people to get goodness and happiness because He is a good God.
So, for those of us who are struggling with the dark night of the soul/depression and other mental disorders, let's put our hope in God, the source of grace who wants to give His love to us. He created us because He wants to share His abundant love with us.
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him!" (Psalm 34:8)
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